New Season Arrivals
New Season Arrivals


Last updated: 01.08.2023

Within the framework of the Clarification Text submitted to my knowledge in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data (POPD), CIELO GÖZLÜK SAAT SANAYİ VE TİCARET Anonim Şirketi (CIELO) as the data controller or by the data processors you have authorised by taking the necessary security measures; My personal data listed below will be processed for the purposes listed below with my explicit consent statement in accordance with the general principles in Article 4 of the POPD.

1) My Personal Data that can be processed

- Name Surname

- Date of Birth, Gender

- Address, Telephone Number, Electronic Mail Address

- Company Name, Tax Office, Tax Number

- Telephone number of the person to whom the product will be delivered

- T.C. Identity Number

2) Purposes of Processing My Personal Data

My personal data listed above will be processed for the following purposes and within the scope of the personal data processing conditions specified in Articles 5 and 6 of the POPD in order for your business units to carry out the necessary work for me to benefit from the products and services offered by CIELO and to carry out the relevant business processes.

  • Responding to all kinds of questions and complaints, informing about the services offered by you,
  • Sending SMS to my phone number, sending e-mails to my e-mail, calling my phone number and providing information about your store's campaigns and participation in these campaigns by the relevant departments,
  • Carrying out the shopping transaction, distinguishing the records belonging to me in your systems from the records belonging to your other customers,
  • To ensure that I can benefit from after-sales exchange, return, product inspection and home delivery transactions without presenting an invoice or receipt and to fulfil these operational transactions,
  • The e-invoice / e-archive invoice related to my shopping can be sent to me,
  • To be able to procure products that are not available in your stores and deliver them directly to me,
  • In case of a lottery, processing of my T.R. identification number in order to prevent the same person from making multiple applications and unfairly increasing the chances of winning,
  • Ability to issue invoices,
  • Carrying out shopping, order preparation, packaging, packing, dispatch note preparation, shipping, delivery operations
  • To ensure that my membership transactions are carried out, I can log in as a member, membership information can be provided,
  • To benefit from CIELO's membership programme and to take advantage of special offers and facilities tailored to my needs based on my purchases in your Stores and on your Website,
  • To fulfil your obligations arising from the legislation, to fulfil your other legal obligations to the competent and responsible public institutions and organisations,
  • In case of disputes arising, the use of all kinds of lawsuits, answers and objections against official institutions and organisations such as courts, enforcement offices, arbitral tribunals, conducting negotiation and agreement processes regarding disputes, in case I request information from you, in order to provide me with the necessary information and internal audit, internal control and reporting, testing, development and improvement studies,
  • I give my explicit consent and approval that my personal data listed above may be processed for the purposes listed above.

3) Transfer of My Personal Data

I hereby give my explicit consent and approve that my Personal Data may be transferred to the following places within the scope of the data processing conditions specified in Articles 5 and 6 of the POPD, in accordance with the rules regarding the transfer of personal data specified in Articles 8 and 9 of the POPD, within the scope of the data processing conditions specified in Articles 5 and 6 of the POPD, in order to fulfil the obligations arising therefrom, as well as in order to fulfil the purposes listed above under the heading "Purposes of Processing My Personal Data".

  • Authorised public institutions and organisations so that you can provide information to the relevant public officials,
  • To the law firm you are working for, your business partners and all your consultants, including third parties from whom you receive consultancy,
  • Your company's domestic suppliers,
  • Call centre, marketing, database and server, website usage monitoring, e-mail server, e-invoice and e-archive invoice, electronic message, cargo and courier, dry cleaning, tailor / alteration / lostra, warehouse, bank and electronic payment institutions, financial consultancy, independent audit and archiving service providers that your company works with,
  • Prosecutor's offices, courts and all kinds of judicial authorities in accordance with the relevant legislation,
  • Records regarding commercial communication within the scope of your legal obligations.


I hereby acknowledge that I have given my EXPRESS CONSENT to the processing of my personal data listed above for the specified purposes, to use them limited to the purpose of processing within the scope of the relevant process and to transfer them within the scope of the conditions written above, to store my personal data for the required period of time, that the necessary clarification has been made to me regarding these, that I have read and understood this Explicit Consent Text and Clarification Text.

featuresSafe shopping with 256 Bit SSL
featuresSpecial free shipping for all purchases
features14 days exchange and return guarantee